Never Give Up Race 2012 – Fifth Race

113_7095It is my first time at the Chaniana Harbor. The atmosphere is different from the other villages in the rural area of Kafue, there is a thriving fish market, women with interwoven mats on the ground full of small fish which the sun is drying and bags full of ice and fresh fish, and boats, the majority made out of wood with a traditional shape others out of more modern resins berthed at the bank of the Chaniania River, the fluvial basin of the Kafue River. Continue reading

Thirteenth stage

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My friend the wind is back! I think it is the same wind which accompanied  me in the first stages in Zambia, as a matter of fact I am  proceeding in the same direction, I am scared that this wind which blows from East to West, will haunt me until I will start heading North in Kenya. Today it was very strong and with no truce for the first 60 km until Mukambako, then I went up to the 1800 m of Nyororo. Continue reading

Twelfth stage

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“Good morning” says a child on the side of the road. Too bad it is 4 in the afternoon. I do not know why since the end of Malawi “Good morning” is the most common greeting at any time of the day. A child of about 10 year old told me: “Good morning Teacher”, I answered “Good afternoon. How are you?” and him “Thank you, Teacher” … Continue reading