This morning I left the school shortly after seven, I woke up in great advance also because my Chinese mat at a certain point in the night deflated itself, and the floor of the staff room was freezing other than uncomfortable. Continue reading
This morning I left the school shortly after seven, I woke up in great advance also because my Chinese mat at a certain point in the night deflated itself, and the floor of the staff room was freezing other than uncomfortable. Continue reading
This morning we all left very early from Kafue to reach Chongwe, unbelievable but true we were perfectly on time, the truck with my bamboo bike and some representatives of the project in Chikupi, it had a puncture twice… Continue reading
I must admit that this morning I was very nervous, assailed by thousands of pre-departure worries: from the fear of having left something fundamental behind (which of course happened: video camera completely flat and camera without memory card) to the need to leave early in order for Matteo to be able to do a good first stage. Continue reading
The bicycle is there with the panniers still open, it is a shame that these panniers cannot be squeezed by sitting on them… Continue reading
This has been a very long day, starting with an interview with Radio Phoenix in Lusaka Continue reading
By now the head is immersed in the crossing, this morning when I arrived to the gate of the Chikupi project on the truck I realized that the auto-pilot was driving!
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The departure of Friday is now imminent and today I have distributed the press releases to Zambian newspapers and television which have promised me to cover the event. Continue reading
Every time I go out on a bicycle ride, especially at sunset, I remember that instead of worrying about remote issues like the part of road from Isiolo to Moyale in Kenya, or the Sudanese desert, I should pay a lot of attention from the very start to the huge trucks which hoot at you pissed off 300 meters before reaching you and do not move even of a millimeter, Continue reading
Last Saturday in Kafue before the departure of Friday!
Today we have mounted the small tent with the children who had lots of fun to see that strange house come out of a bag the size of a packet of flour. Continue reading
To the shortest race of the Never Give up Circuit coincided with the latest start ever! Everything started well, in spite of the fumes from the party to celebrate the Italian Republic which was anticipated to the Friday night, Giorgia woke up early to collect the bread, Continue reading