Today I slept long, wrote emails, got rid from the bags of the stuff which had reached the end of its life cycle, like biscuits and Chinese batteries, I looked for and out contacts together, invoices, flying pieces of paper I had accumulated, and not yet lost, in these two months …
I could have gone to visit many things in this city which has immediately become my favorite in Africa, even supposing that geography apart, Cairo and Egypt are Africa. But I did not, both for the late wake up, and because I did not want to close myself in a museum of mummies or to get a boat for tourists, when outside there is this alive city, real, which moves even though the Ramadan inevitably wears out the vitality of who fasts. I preferred to walk to Tahrir Square, which was the center not only symbolic of the revolution started in 2011, I am personally very cautious on these revolutions only time will tell if these revolutions, which have caused and are causing thousands of deaths, were for the better of the populations. I was reading a few days ago that in Tunisia, where there is one of the most advanced constitutions in the Arabic world, if the draft of the new constitution will pass as it was proposed on the first stage, women will not be the same as men, but complementary … Seeing this Cairo like this it seems impossible to think that this country can end up in the hands of the most intransigent Muslims, a first step to understand how things will go is understanding if and when elections will be called. Continua a leggere→