Eight girls in the first 10 of the 10 km!
It is true that we missed out the first place … but from the second down, apart from the ninth, the name Sport2build resounded non-stop in the parking lot of the Levy shopping mall … I think that the customers of the shopping mall must have thought of a stuck disc, or of the subliminal advertisement of something to buy somewhere on the shelves of the supermarket … but that Sport2build, Sport2build, Sport2build … was simply the realization of a job started almost seven years ago … where sport, done as much as possible well, becomes a tool for growth and social inclusion, and where we always insisted on the female presence … the CEO of Lafarge (the cement multinational which sponsored the marathon) was impressed by these young girls from 11 years old and above, with the agile and elegant stride despite the barefoot, who literally dominated the 10,000 … so much that he has promised to sponsor our next activities … hopefully he will keep his promise! Continua a leggere