Gli Artigiani di Sport2build: Carpentry Workshop, Vocational School and Sawmill
The Inauguration of the Chakwela Makumbi School
Finally the Chakwela Makumbi Primary School is ready to open its doors to the new pupils thanks to the support of the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects of the Japanese Embassy.
And the XVI edition of the Never Give Up has come to a start, we are all at C7 ready to start the Senior race. The young neo mum Esther Mweswa is here with her 7 months old son Thomas who is comfortably sleeping on auntie Milika’s back, also a runner but today she will just babysit since she is not feeling well. Many among the strongest are missing, at the departure the runners are not many, 130 all together, but the first race is always the one with the fewest participants. Continue reading
6th April 2014, 1st International Day of Sport for Development and Peace – Simone Vignati
In 2013 United Nations General Assembly proclaimed April the 6th as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace to celebrate the sport and physical education contribution to the achievement of education, human development, healthy lifestyle goals and to obtain a more peaceful world.
A day apparently created especially for Sport2Build, embracing his own vision and the values that motivate it since its foundation.
So, what a better way to celebrate than arranging a super cross-country race engaging more than 300 all-aged kids from 7 different schools in the nearby of Lusaka and Kafue?! Continue reading
The First Sport2build Women’s race
‘I have really enjoyed!’ told me Ruth, a slim athlete of 46 years, already a grandmother, already a mother but never an athlete before than today.
More than 300 women at a sport event in Zambia, moreover in the bush, were never before seen. Three categories: Under 12, Under 30 and Over 30. Many known faces like Dorothy Shawa and Ruth Kapempe, champions in many Never Give Up and now too young mothers, maybe spurred on by the exceptional Esther Mweswa a fantastic second in the under 30 after giving birth in the last few months. She has won a mattress where she will rest and cuddle her baby boy. Many new faces especially among the Over 30 like Winnie Lukomba from Kabwesa, first, Lainess Lishosho, second, and Jean Zingani excellent third. Continue reading
I am sure I must have said it already a thousands times, but the Mungu-Kabweza is my
favourite race! Once you have passed the second gate it is like stepping into a new world.
What I like the most is the people. A Coach from Kafue Town once told to never trust people from Kabweza: ‘they are all witches’, it is enough about 10 km to transform someone you do not know into something scary and to stay away from. Superstition, ignorance, fear are a dangerous mix and not only in Africa! Continue reading
Written by Bornface Tembo – Sport2build Athletic Coordinator
The Olympic Youth Development Centre hold the IOC Sport Challenge annually in various sport disciplines such as athletic, football, basketball, judo, tennis and many more. Continue reading
The Never Give Up starts again! We are at the fifteenth edition!
Today’s race is the C7 to Mungu, 7km for the Seniors and 5 km for the Juniors. Continue reading
The longest race in the NGU circuit scares many athletes off, mainly among the senior girls who are about ten. Special guest of today Bruno who after the Slums Dunk training for today he is the official photographer of the race other than enjoying the race and the beautiful arrival at the market-port of Chaniania.
The seniors start off great, Americano keeps the first place for a little more than a kilometer, then Prosper Phiri with his UNDER 10 Top Scorer from the 2010 football league catches him. But the three champions, Gillias, Abraham and Sydney who started slow get them with any problem and win the podium. By now champion of the fourteenth edition of the NGU, Gillias came back to the Never Give Up after performing amazingly at the national championship in Ndola where he kept up with professional athletes who train in Japan even though he was not training, he realized he has great talent, he still works as a brick layer but takes a day off the days of the race. The senior girls podium too is confermed: Mercy Kapempe, Milika Muweswa e Ramona Muyoya.
The Junior’s departure is a couple of kilometers further, for them the race is of 10km. among the boys first at the arrival are Best Michelo, Emmanuel Kunda e Joe Malambo. The junior girl champion, Patience Kunda arrives third, maybe still tired from the very long bus journey from Tanzania. First is Silvia Malaila and second Grace Ntelesha.
The arrival in Chaniania is always among a crowd of children covered in dust who play in front of the market of the port. There is a very young girl, maybe just over 4 years, carrying an even younger one on her back, like a miniature mum she cuddles and cares for the little sister of a few months. There are a couple of completely drunk men, they could be anything between 20 and 40 year old, alcohol to numb their problems has destroyed them. The arrival of each race gives a picture of the reality we are in, every glance tells a story, every smile is a sign of hope in this beautiful market with the river flowing gently a few meters away.